The temperature and motivation are on the rise! Take advantage of both by opening the windows to let in fresh air while you clear the gloomy, winter hangover from your apartment.
The notion of spring cleaning began as a way to tidy away soot and grime built up during the winter months from wood burning fireplaces. Since our homes are heated with modern furnaces, the meaning and purpose of spring cleaning has changed over the years, but this practice is no less important now than it used to be.
Spring cleaning is important for productivity and has health benefits:

- Remove allergens from the air
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Remove expired food and products
- Prevent illnesses and bacterial growth
- Pack away winter clothes for more room
- Find lost items, declutter and purge
- Feel more motivated when home
- Possibly make money selling unneeded items
- Increase happiness and mental health
Some (often forgotten or overlooked) cleaning tips:

- Vacuum and/or launder your entry door mat and throw rugs
- Mop away salt stains in the entrance hallway
- Grind lemon rinds in the garbage disposal to rid unpleasant odors
- Wipe food splatters off microwave walls
- Launder or sponge down reusable grocery bags
- Throw away expired condiments, spices, boxed food and moldy perishables
- Remove and wash refrigerator drawer bins and door shelves to remove food bacteria or spillage
- Wipe down outside of kitchen cabinets to remove dust and grease
- Declutter and organize any junk drawers
- Clean or replace shower curtains
- Throw away expired makeup, skin care products, hair products and toiletries
- Vacuum behind and under furniture that is normally against the wall
- Sweep patio or balcony
- Dust blinds, windowsills and vents
- Wash walls and baseboards
- Wipe down mirrors and windows
Happy Cleaning!!